About us

We are a Christian ministry that cares about your future. We believe that your destiny and those around you is locked up in YOUR prayer life. Spending time in God’s presence will unlock your future. 

Our History

Chosen Vessels Prayer Ministries International Inc. is a not-for-profit ministry that serves the local church, nations and the community through offering various discipleship tools equipping others in the area of prayer and intercession. Chosen Vessels was birthed out of the womb of Minister Natalyne Gilbert in October 2010. It was birthed out of a call upon her life to intercede for the local church and a desire to see the universal church return to it’s original purpose of being a “House of Prayer for all Nations” (Isa. 56:7). This ministry is comprised of experts in the various areas of ministry to offer the world a holistic view of the gospel .  We serve the community in various ways such as offering training to Intercessory Prayer Ministries, online daily devotionals, blogs, organizing prayer vigils and other discipleship.

Our Mission

The Mission of  Chosen  Vessel’s Prayer Ministry is to fulfill the Great Commission,  “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19a), through assisting the local church and the community by adequately equipping their Intercessory Prayer Ministries and their general congregation through workshops & trainings, annual conferences, monthly prayer guides and  various bible study teachings. It is the vision of this ministry to be an international ministry that extends God’s love to a through prayer, teachings and supporting and partnering with other outreach focused ministries.